Over All Rating Reviews : This product really works! I like it for someone like me who doesn't wear jewelry a lot. Basic but classic styling. The magnets are powerful for this kind of product. It slips over your wrist as it opens up easily hey it's copper so it's a soft metal. after that just a slight squeeze will fix it on your wrist without slipping around.
But the best thing is for pain management in wrists or hands. This has two things going for it, both long used in alternative medicine for this type of use. Both the magnetic field and the copper ions that wear off on your skin.
Once it's worn to the copper base it WILL leave green rings around your wrist from the reaction with oils and sweat. It's easily washed off though, just need to scrub vigorously.
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Copper Twist Pain Magnetic Bracelet, Medium-7". !!1 Saved Hewlett-packar Printersd Price comparison shopping